Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Princess Sayako Gives Up Royal Life for Marriage

In a fascinating bit of royal history, Princess Sayako, daughter of the Japanese Emperor, has relinquished her status as a member of the royal family in order to marry. Over the weekend she took part in rituals bidding farewell to her parents and her ancestors preparatory to Tuesday's wedding ceremony.

For the first time in her 36 years, Sayako will have a birth certificate, drive a car, grocery shop, and cook. The Japanese royal family are notoriously closeted from the outside world -- to such an extent that both Crown Princess Masako and Empress Michiko have experienced emotional trauma during their marriages -- and it is to be hoped Sayako's likely shocking transition from the Imperial Palace to a small apartment will be eased by a happy marriage and the new freedom she will find as Mrs. Kuroda.


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