Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Time-Shifting Holidays

USA Today ran an interesting article in today's Life section about families celebrating holidays when it's convenient, rather than being tied to a specific day.

I think there is much to be said for this approach. When I was young I used to feel down when December 25th passed and Christmas was "over." (I still find it annoying to see trees out for garbage collection the morning after Christmas...what's the hurry?) Over time I've come to appreciate Christmas more as an entire season rather than as one single day. For instance, we usually celebrate Christmas with my husband's family up north on a day other than Christmas...but when I look back on those times, in my memories it is "Christmas," every bit as much as what we do on the 25th.

I also like the liturgical church calendar, where Christmas is merely the beginning of a new church season...I play Christmas music right up until Epiphany!

When we were newlyweds, one particular Christmas my husband and I traveled two hours to the north in time for brunch with his family, then traveled back two hours just in time for Christmas dinner with mine! It's much more fun and relaxing to enjoy a holiday spread over a period of time, rather than trying to cram everything into a single day.


Blogger Mrs. Happy Housewife said...

D recently found out about the 12 days of Christmas and so we've decided to celebrate Christmas 'til Epiphany. Coming from a non-denominational background, I am only just learning about the liturgical church calendar and I think it adds a pleasant rhythm to the year.

5:53 AM  
Blogger jau said...

I've long thought Epiphany made more sense for gift-giving, since those wild and crazy Magi started this whole gift nonsense anyway. The intense nonsense is really getting to be too much to stand! It's about sweetness and kindness, not whether you can go bankrupt in three weeks.

Have a wonderful *season*!!

4:09 PM  

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